Now is a good time to do a Mitzvah
- Prohibition
Do not take pledged utensils used for making sustaining food.
“One shall not take in pledge the lower and upper millstone, for a life he takes to pledge” Devarim 24: 6
If he gave the loan for the pledge or if he took the object after the loan was granted, by his own hand or through the court - he would violate this prohibition.
If the pledged object was lost or stolen – he violates this prohibition.
Punishment is deserved for the lower millstone by itself and the upper millstone by itself.
The characteristic of the lower and upper millstones is that they are two articles serving one purpose.
There is a punishment for each one by itself.
So to where there are two utensils serving one purpose there is a penalty for each one by itself.
This applies at all times in all places for men and women