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- Prohibition


Do not benefit from idolatry, from its offerings or priests or anything done on its behalf.


 “Do not bring an abomination into your house” Devarim 7:26 and further “no part of the banned property shall cling to your hand” Devarim 13:18


If a person derives benefit from any one of these he violates 2 prohibitions.


Any item of idolatry that was not man made, such as a mountain or tree that was planted originally for bearing fruit and not idolatry, or a domestic animal to which nothing was done for the purpose of idolatry.


It is permissible to benefit from them but not to benefit from an item found on them.



This applies in all places at all times for men and women

Do not benefit from idolatry, from its offerings or priests or anything done on its behalf.


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