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Positive Mitzvah 


Emulate the ways of God with all one’s ability


“Emulate His ways.” Devarim 28:9

The Sages expounded this mitzvah as follows;


Just as the Holy One Blessed is He is called gracious also you should be gracious.

And as the Holy One Blessed is He is called compassionate so too should you be compassionate.

And as the Holy One Blessed is He is called pious so too should you be pious.

And so with all attributes associated with the Holy One Blessed is He, man is obligated to endeavour to emulate His ways.


"Just as He is merciful and kind, so you should be merciful and kind. Just as He clothed the naked, so should you; as He visited the sick, so should you; as He comforted the mourners, so should you; as He buried the dead, so should you."

(Talmud - Sotah 14a; Jerusalem Talmud - Peah 3:1)


This is applicable in all places and at all times for men and women.



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