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Positive Mitzvah 


Circumcise all male children when eight days’ old

 “At the age of eight days you shall circumcise every male” Breishis 17:12 

Specifically, on that day as it says “On the eighth day the flesh of the foreskin shall be circumcised.”  Vayikra 12:3

Circumcision is done after sunrise. If circumcised after dawn that is  accepted.

When circumcision is required and the time has arrived it may be performed on the Shabbos.


Circumcision is a positive commandment that involves spiritual severance.

 “an uncircumcised male the flesh of whose foreskin is not circumcised that soul shall be cut off” Breishis 17:14


The father is commanded to circumcise his son but if the father has not circumcised him he disobeys this positive Mitzvah but will not receive spiritual excommunication.

Only the uncircumcised himself will receive spiritual severance. 

If not circumcised by his father he is obligated to circumcise himself when he grows up.

Every day that passes when he has grown up and has not circumcised himself he violates this positive commandment.

He is liable for spiritual severance if he dies and has deliberately not circumcised himself.


Whoever disregards the circumcision even if he has learned Torah and done good deeds has no portion in the world to come.

This is a great mitzvah and has thirteen covenants associated with it.


This is applicable in all places and at all times.



link to today's featured mitzvah from the Torah
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