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Mitzvot Applicable in the Land of Israel Only


  1. Trumaw-  Separate a portion of the produce and give it to the Kohen

  2. Musair rishon- separate out ,after taking off Trumaw 1/10th of the remaining produce and give it to the Levite.

  3. Truma Ma aser- Separate a tenth from this tithe and give it to the Kohen

  4. Separate Maaser sheni/ second tithe in the 1st , 2nd, 4th and 5th  years of the shimita/seven year cycle , after separating Maaser Rishon / first tithe

  5. Maaser  Uni - Separate Tithe for the poor in the 3rd , 6th year of the shmitta year/seven year cycle, after one has separated the Maaser Rishon / first tithe

  6. 4th year produce of a planted tree is to be entirely holy

  7. Affirm before God after we dispose all the gifts regarding grain produce

  8. Leave ownerless all produce of the land in the 7th year

  9. Cease from working the soil and trees in the 7th year


  10. unreaped part of crops of grain and trees

  11. gleanings- ears or fruits that fall aside during the harvest

  12. Ahlalot – small bunches of scattered grapes which do not overhang one another from the trunk

  13. Feret single fallen grapes in the vineyard.

  14. The forgotten sheaf.

  1. Do not reap the entire field, leave a small part for the poor.

  2. When reaping grain and making bundles do not gather the fallen ears, leave them for the poor.

  3. Do not gather Ahlalot – small bunches of scattered grapes which do not overhang one another from the trunk

  4. Do not gather Feret- single fallen grapes in the vineyard.

  5. When a person is making sheaves and he forgets a bundle in the field he is not to return for it but leave it for the poor.

  6. Do not eat Tevel , something from which teruma and tithes have not been taken off.

  7. Do not alter the sequence of teruma and tithes as they must be done in order.

  8. Do not work the land in the shmitta year.

  9. Do not work the trees in the shmitta year.

  10. Do not harvest what grow on the land by itself in the 7th year in the way it is harvested every year.

  11. Do not gather fruit of a tree in the 7th year in the way it is gathered every year.

  12. Do not settle idol worshippers in our land.


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